Home > Artworks > Francisco Julio López Delgado

Photo of Francisco Julio López Delgado Spain

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Born on the island of Tenerife and self-taught, now turned to experience and express their experiences through painting. Mainly abstract lyrical themes, fantastic and surreal painting, painting more spontaneous. I started with acrylic paint and is very well...

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See everything we offer you!
23.62 x 19.69 in
15.75 x 27.56 in
11.81 x 23.62 in
11.81 x 23.62 in
15.75 x 19.69 in
23.62 x 31.50 in
19.69 x 25.59 in
24.41 x 29.92 in
15.75 x 15.75 in
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Born on the island of Tenerife and self-taught, now turned to experience and express their experiences through painting. Mainly abstract lyrical themes, fantastic and surreal painting, painting more spontaneous. I started with acrylic paint and is very well though, I discovered the nobility of oil, so from then we are inseparable.

After giving up nearly everything in life, in 1991 comes alive in a casual way (say casual) a great interest to know the why of things, the reason for human existence. What was I doing in this world and other typical questions.

After several events occurred in my environment I find myself inside a world full of life and answers. Since then he has been slowly emerging through painting a world of color and shapes. Regain faith in life. Know and be able to convey those feelings somehow reassuring. Teachers have not had anyone in particular and all the time, of course some more than others.

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